Privacy policy

At Quiken Techno, we deeply respect your privacy and are committed to safeguarding your personal and sensitive data (defined below).

Our Privacy Policy applies to all visitors (those without an account) and users (those with an account on our platform) collectively referred to as "Users." This Policy pertains to the collection, use, storage, transfer, and disclosure of personal information when you visit, access, browse, and use our website ("Website Name"). We urge you to carefully read this Policy before sharing any information with us to understand how we handle your data.

By accessing, browsing, or using our Website, you acknowledge that this Policy is an extension of our Terms and Conditions and that all defined terms here have the same meanings in this Policy. Your continued use of our Website implies your unconditional consent to this Policy, in conjunction with our Terms of Use. If you do not agree with the terms of this Policy, please refrain from visiting or using our Website. You can easily find this Policy in various places on our Website, including when you create an account with us.

We reserve the right to modify, alter, or update this Policy without prior notice. Users will be informed of significant changes via the email address registered with us or through other available means of communication. We recommend checking this Policy regularly to stay informed of any changes. By using our Website's services after any modification, amendment, or alteration of this Policy, you are deemed to have agreed to it, as well as to any other policies or practices of Quiken Techno in effect at the time of your visit.

This Policy is published in compliance with:

  • Section 43A of the 2000 Information Technology Act ("Act").
  • Regulation 4 of the 2011 IT (Reasonable Security Practices and Procedures and Sensitive Personal Information) Rules ("SPI Rules").

Personal Information: As defined in the SPI Rules, Personal Information refers to any information that relates to a natural person and can identify that person directly or indirectly, in combination with other available or likely-to-be-available information from a corporate body. This includes details such as a person's name, address, phone number, and more.

Sensitive Personal Data or Information: According to the SPI Rules, sensitive personal data includes information about:

  • Passwords
  • Financial information like bank accounts, credit cards, or debit cards
  • Physical, physiological, and mental health conditions
  • Sexual orientation
  • Medical records and history
  • Biometric information

It's important to note that if Quiken Techno receives any information under these clauses for processing or storing under a lawful contract, it will do so only for those specific purposes. Public records or information provided under the Right to Information Act, 2005, or any other law will not be considered sensitive personal information or data.

Payment Data: Payment Data refers to end-to-end transaction details and information related to a payment or settlement transaction that is collected, transmitted, or processed as part of a payment message or instruction. This includes customer data (name, mobile number, email, Aadhaar number, PAN number, etc.), payment sensitive data (customer and beneficiary account details), payment credentials (OTP, PIN, passwords, etc.), and transaction information (originating and destination systems, transaction reference, timestamp, amount, etc.).

Personal Information Collection Consent

Our Website allows Users to access, browse, or use our services without the need to disclose, store, possess, deal with, or handle their Personal Information.

Users provide their explicit consent for the use, disclosure, storage, possession, receipt, handling, or dealing with their Sensitive Personal Data or Information for the lawful purposes outlined in this Policy by checking the consent box when creating their Account on the Website, in accordance with Rule 5 of the SPI Rules.

We assume that adequate and lawful parental consent is obtained when a minor shares Personal Information or Sensitive Personal Data or Information.

Types of Information We Collect

To create an Account, engage in transactions, and receive customer support services, Users may need to provide certain Personal Information and Sensitive Personal Information. This may include:

  • Name and age
  • Password and username
  • PAN
  • User's account password
  • Postal address
  • Email address
  • Phone number
  • IP addresses (through cookies)
  • Website URLs accessed before and after visiting our site
  • Information about the card number, expiration date, and/or other payment instrument
  • User feedback, queries, emails, letters, and suggestions
  • Information about a User's activities or postings on the Website provided by a third party
  • Identifier of the mobile/tab device on which the App is installed
  • We may require additional information for accessing and using our Website
Purpose of Collecting Information

At Quiken Techno, we want you to know that we only collect your sensitive personal data or information for specific, clear, and lawful purposes. Here are some of those purposes:

Enhancing Your Experience: Our Website is designed to provide you with a safe, efficient, smooth, and personalized experience.

Improving Our Services: We continuously work on improving our products and services to serve you better.

Customer Support: To respond to your general questions or complaints about our services and ensure you receive the support you need.

Communication: Sending you emails containing information about our existing and new products/services, newsletters, notifications of changes in this Policy, and more.

Analytics and Market Research: Analyzing website traffic and conducting market research to understand our users' demographics, interests, and behaviors.

Innovation: Developing new products and services based on user needs and feedback.

Technical Support: Providing technical assistance to address errors, prevent fraud, detect criminal activity, and resolve technical issues.

Enforcing Terms and Conditions: Enforcing our Terms and Conditions to maintain a fair and secure online environment.

Partnerships: Collaborating with corporate entities to offer co-branded services for your benefit.

When collecting Personal Information or Sensitive Personal Information, we will always disclose the lawful purpose for which it is being collected.

How Information Is Collected

We collect information in the following ways:

Voluntary Submission: When you access, browse, or use our Website, interact with our social media profiles, or contact our customer support online, you provide information voluntarily.

Automated Collection: We also collect data automatically by analyzing your online behavior, primarily through the use of cookies.

You have the option to refuse to provide certain information or withdraw your consent to provide information at any time, as outlined in this Policy. However, please note that if you withdraw your consent, we may retain your Personal Information or Sensitive Personal Data or Information for a period determined by us or as required by law. Please be aware that revoking consent may limit your access to certain features and services on the Website.

Disclosure of Information

We may share your Personal Information and Sensitive Data or Information with trusted affiliates and other third parties to the extent necessary for lawful purposes described in this Policy. Rest assured, we will not disclose your information to any government institution or authority unless:

  • It is required by law.
  • Requested by a lawfully authorized government authority.
  • Required by a judicial decree.
  • Necessary to protect and enforce the legal rights of Quiken Techno or others.
  • Needed for legal relief or defense against charges.
  • Pertains to a change in ownership, merger, restructuring, or sale of our business assets, in which case we may disclose, share, or transfer your Personal Information or Sensitive Personal Data or Information to a third party.
Use of Cookies and Other Technologies

We use "cookies" or similar technologies to collect information and assign each visitor a unique random number, known as a User Identification (User ID). This helps us understand your interests and improve the effectiveness and usability of our Website. When you visit our Website, our web servers automatically gather limited information about your computer's Internet connection, including your IP address.

Please note that certain pages of our Website may have "cookies" or similar devices placed by third parties. We do not have control over these third-party cookies and disclaim any responsibility for their use.

Links to Other Websites

Our Website may include links to other websites that collect information from you. Please be aware that we are not responsible for the privacy policies, practices, or content of these linked sites. This Policy only applies to the collection and use of information on our Website.

Correction and Updating of Information

We want our users to have accurate and up-to-date information. If you find that any of the Personal Information or Sensitive Personal Data you provided to us is inaccurate, misleading, or incomplete, please let us know promptly. You can also review, update, or modify your information by logging into your Account on our Website. It's your responsibility to ensure that the information in your Account is accurate and truthful.

Retention of Information

We will retain and use your Personal Information and Sensitive Personal Data until the following conditions are met:

  • We no longer need your information for the purposes for which it was collected.
  • We are no longer required to retain your information by law, regulations, contracts, or legitimate business purposes.
  • Retaining your information is no longer necessary for the establishment, exercise, or defense of any legal claim.

Quiken Techno may send you direct mailers to the email address you provide. You have the option to opt-out of these mailers by clicking the link provided at the bottom of each email or using any other method deemed appropriate by Quiken Techno. When you choose not to receive such mailers, we will take all necessary steps to remove you from our mailing list. You can also remove your contact information from all mailing lists and newsletters by visiting the "Profile" page of your Account.


When you visit our Website, we work with third-party advertising companies to display ads. These companies may use anonymized information, which means information that does not include your name, address, email address, or mobile number, to show you ads for products and services that may interest you. This anonymized data is typically presented as aggregated statistics related to traffic on different pages of our Website.

Data Localization

To ensure data security, all entities engaged by Quiken Techno to provide payment services, including system participants, service providers, intermediaries, payment gateways, third-party vendors, and others in the payments ecosystem, must store all Payment Data in India-based systems. In certain cases, a copy of the domestic component may be stored abroad for cross-border transaction data that involves both foreign and domestic elements.

How We Secure Your Information

We take your data security seriously. Our Website has implemented robust security measures to prevent misuse, unauthorized access, modification, disclosure, or destruction of your Personal Information and Sensitive Personal Data. All information we collect is stored on servers protected by firewalls, secured with passwords, and accessed only on a need-to-know basis.

We regularly review our security safeguards and this Policy to ensure the integrity of your data is maintained. In the event of a security breach that could harm a user, we will notify the user promptly and take immediate steps to mitigate any harm.

If you have any questions about this Policy or wish to report any issues related to the illegal access, use, or disclosure of Personal Information, please reach out to us at We are here to address your concerns and will aim to resolve them within thirty (30) days.

Grievance Policy

At Quiken Techno, we are committed to delivering outstanding customer service to support our business growth. Our primary focus is on customer satisfaction, and we strive to provide exemplary service at every touchpoint. We have established a structured grievance redressal mechanism and a framework for handling customer grievances and complaints. Your feedback is valuable to us, and we are dedicated to addressing your concerns effectively.