UPI Autopay

Accelerate Payment Delivery to
Lightning Speed

Users use major UPI apps to set up, manage, and control auto-debit mandates for recurring payments, with merchant approval. Automated debit mandates can be created, modified, approved, revoked, or paused in UPI apps. Users must provide a one-time approval to merchants who wish to automate payments.


UPI users leverage auto-debit.


Users receive merchant approvals for autopay.

Witness The Practicality Of UPI Autopay In Action

Where clicks become whispers and confirmations are instant. UPI Auto-pay, your digital assistant for effortless payments. It's like having your own personal payment butler, always ready to settle bills, subscriptions, and more with a wink and a nod.

Say goodbye to manual payments and hello to a world of convenience. Our UPI Auto-pay absolutely merges with your payment gateway, creating a symphony of efficiency. where innovation meets simplicity.

Expand your customer base by reaching out to those who don't possess a card, while broadening your coverage by accommodating savings, current, and overdraft accounts. By offering flexible payment plans such as daily, weekly, monthly,, or yearly options, you can enhance conversion rates, making your products or services more accessible.

Simultaneously, bolster trust in your brand through transparency and flexibility. Provide customers with full visibility into their plans and upcoming debits, allowing them to pause subscriptions when needed. This approach not only fosters confidence but also demonstrates your commitment to meeting individual customer needs, setting you apart in the market.

Blend UPI's Popularity With Recurring Payment Convenience

Supported by the robust Quiken Techno engine, UPI AutoPay seamlessly integrates and offers a myriad of advanced features, setting it apart as a top-tier product in the market

Customer Purchase Management

Simplify order acceptance and management to enhance customer satisfaction and operational efficiency.

Accurate Cost Estimation

Provide precise cost estimates for potential orders, boosting transparency and trust in pricing.

Efficient Order Fulfillment

Optimize sales order processing and transactions for swift, error-free order completion.

Delivery Tracking

Monitor product or service deliveries meticulously, ensuring timely and reliable service.

Automated Billing

Streamline invoice creation and billing processes, making financial transactions hassle-free and secure.

Secure Payment Handling

Prioritize transaction and payment security, safeguarding sensitive financial information for peace of mind.

Access Everything You Need With One Onboard

Take control of when and how your users receive payments, ensuring secure and swift fund transfers with unwavering dependability

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